
The Changing Face of Gambling Across the United States

It has been quite the ride since the coronavirus pandemic began wreaking havoc on the global economy. Over two months later and the United States, just like many other countries, is still struggling to deal with the issue. However, there is a lot of pressure to reopen the economy, and, as expected, this is raising a lot of questions.

The gambling business is perhaps one of the biggest casualties of the economic slowdown and the shutdown directives. Many casinos have remained closed for over two months and it seems that the operators are not the only ones that want their gaming floors to be reopened.

Gamblers Willing to Take Risks

As it stands, a number of states have moved to reopen the doors of their casinos. Going by the long queues of people who had come to visit the gaming facilities that have been reopened, it was very clear that many people had been anticipating the move. While there are still lots of people who would rather stay at home as opposed to going to these gaming and entertainment facilities, there is an equally large number of people who are willing to take the risks.

It is, of course, very helpful that many of the gaming facilities that are now open have very strict measures to prevent further spread of COVID-19. These include such things as temperature checks, social distancing within the facilities as well as the use of personal protective equipment like masks. Moreover, not too many people are allowed into the facilities at any given time. This means that the attendance is still quite low in the gaming facilities but we can all appreciate that this is a great move towards regaining normalcy if not now, then in the long term.

Capitalizing on Online Gambling

For weeks, the undeniable in online gambling traffic has been all the buzz not just because it is hard to dismiss but also because the occurrences of the past couple of months have shown people the potential of the industry. Even so, one of the things that have seemingly been overlooked is just how the online gambling industry has been impacting decision making in several states across the country.

Unlike states where land-based casinos are the only option, states such as Pennsylvania, Nevada, and New Jersey have been noticeably slow when it comes to pushing forward with reopening plans. Most of them have seen massive gains in iGaming revenue and even though authorities in places like Pennsylvania are drafting measures to push reopening plans through, they all seem to be in no hurry.